Forming a French Company

  • Incorporation time Incorporation time: 3 days
  • Shelf companies Shelf companies: Yes
  • Accounting Accounting: Yes
  • Secretary Secretary: Yes
  • Nominee Shareholder Nominee Shareholder: No
  • Nominee directorNominee director: No

TAX: 33.3%

History of France

France is a transcontinental sovereign state, whose metropolitan territory is located in Western Europe. The latter has land borders with Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain and the principalities of Andorra and Monaco, and has important maritime facades in the Atlantic, the Channel, the North Sea and the Mediterranean.

The economy of France is a social market economy based on private property. There has been a relatively strong state intervention since the end of the Second World War, although it has been in question since the 1980s. The French economy is mainly a service economy.

Good to know :

The standard tax rate of the IS is 331/3%.
The IS also has a reduced rate of 15% - for SMEs and under certain conditions.
The 15% applies on the lower portion to 38 120 € of profits for the companies of which:
the turnover is less than € 7.63 million,
the fully paid up capital is at least 75% owned by natural persons (or by a company applying this criterion).
Beyond 38 120 € of profit, the profits are subjected to the normal rate 33 1/3%.
Sole Proprietorship (EI) Private Limited Company (EIRL) One-person company with limited liability (EURL) Limited liability company (SARL) Limited company (SA) Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS) Single share simplified joint stock company (SASU) Partnership (SNC) The Cooperative Production Company (SCOP)
Shareholder (s) The individual entrepreneur A natural or legal person 2 to 100 natural or legal persons At least 2 natural or legal persons (or 7 for listed companies) At least a natural or legal person At least 2 natural or legal persons Employees of the company (at least 51% of the capital) and possibly outside investors
Leaders(s) The individual entrepreneur One or more managers (natural persons) One or more managers (natural persons) A board of directors from 3 to 18 members, with a president appointed from among them A president (natural or legal person), obligation of a legal representative One or more managers (natural or legal persons) A director or manager elected by the majority partners
Share capital / Free Free At least € 37,000 Free Free 30 € minimum in SCOP SARL or SAS and 18 500 € for SCOP SA
Social regime of the manager (s) Non-salaried worker) Non-salaried worker (sole associate) or equivalent-employee (several partners) Non-salaried worker (majority manager), assimilated-employee (egalitarian or minority manager) Employee-Assimilated (Chairman of the Board) Assimilated-employee (president) Non-salaried worker Assimilated-employee (director and managers of the company)
Taxation of profits Income tax (possibility of corporation tax under conditions in sole proprietorship limited liability) Income tax (natural person - possibility of corporation tax), corporation tax (legal person) Corporate Tax in most cases Corporate Tax in most cases Corporate Tax in most cases Income tax (share of the profits of the partners), option of the corporation tax possible for the company Corporation tax


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